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Defeating definedness

In his latest blogpost, p6steve went through a lot of trouble to enforce definedness. I managed to shorten it a bit.

None: Nil;
subset Option of Any where Any:D | None;

my Option $defined = 42;
my Option $nothing = None;
my Option $undefined = Mu;

.&dd for $defined, $nothing, $undefined;

# OUTPUT: Type check failed in assignment to $undefined; expected Option but got Mu (Mu)

I would really like to see the content of $nothing, and while I’m on it show why Steve’s hard labour was in vain.

try {
    my Option $defined = 42;
    my Option $nothing = None;
    my Option $undefined = Mu;

    .&dd for $defined, $nothing, $undefined;

    CATCH { default { note .message; .resume } }

# OUTPUT: Type check failed in assignment to $undefined; expected Option but got Mu (Mu)
#         Int $defined = 42
#         Label $nothing = Label.new(name => "None", file => "tmp/2021-03-08.raku", line => 1880)
#         Any $undefined = Any

Raku is a dynamic, late bound language. There are language constructs, like resumable exceptions and NativeCall, that can defeat any type-check. Trying to use Raku like Rust, Haskell or any other strictly typed language will eventually fail. No amount of :Ds will substitute testing, testing and even more testing.

I hope not to have tested p6steve’s patience and try to calm the waves with a new repo.

Categories: Raku