
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Incomplete Ranges

October 24, 2023 3 comments

Lately, some unhappiness has popped up about Range and it’s incomplete numericaliness. Having just one blogpost about it is clearly not enough, given how big Ranges can be.

say (-∞..∞).elems;
# Cannot .elems a lazy list
  in block <unit> at tmp/2021-03-08.raku line 2629

I don’t quite agree with Rakudo here. There are clearly ∞ elements in that lazy list. This could very well be special-cased.

The argument has been made, that many operators in Raku tell you what type the returned value will have. Is that so? (This question is always silly or unnecessary.)

say (1 + 2&3).WHAT;
# (Junction)

Granted, Junction is quite special. But so are Ranges. Yet, Raku covers the former everywhere but the latter feels uncompleted. Please consider the following code.

multi sub infix:<±>(Numeric \n, Numeric \variance --> Range) {
    (n - variance) .. (n + variance)

say 2.6 > 2 ± 0.5;
# True

my @heavy-or-light = 25.6, 50.3, 75.4, 88.8;{ $_ ≤ 75 ± 0.5 ?? „$_ is light“ !! „$_ is heavy“ }).say;
# (25.6 is heavy 50.3 is heavy 75.4 is heavy 88.8 is heavy)

To me that looks like it should DWIM. It doesn’t, because &infix:«≤» defaults to coercing to Real and then comparing numerically.

This could easily be fixed by adding a few more multis and I don’t think it would break any production code. We already provide quite a few good tools for scientists. And those scientists do love their error bars — which are ranges. I would love for them to have another reason to use Raku over … that other language.

Categories: Uncategorized

I take issue with enshittification

July 2, 2023 1 comment

With great amusement I watch the discussion of worries about — let’s call them “changes” — of reddit on reddit. The OP wishes Usenet to be back. And yes, we traded robust and decentralised services for “platforms” that require less clicks to reach them. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t wish the good old days back when we had a need for mirrors, because interruptions of the intertubes where quite common. However, I do miss the ability to access documentation without the need of dozens and dozens of machines to all work at the same time. Is DDoS-safe? I hope so, because running that site on localhost is not exactly trivial.

I like to query the issues for Rakudo and the Problem Solving repo quite often. The latter basically consists of issues. Being on github a simple git clone with the right URL should suffice, right? Well, as it turns out Github is a vendor and issues are the lock-in. You can move issues from one repo to another but there is no export-button. There is an API to fetch them — one by one. If they would not have an API, we would have to use a scraper, increasing the load on that companies servers. Go figure.

While trying to secure Rakudos issues I got the following result:

Message: API rate limit exceeded for user ID 426613., Locations: []

That’s about ⅔ in. I do cache individual issues locally, so in an hour I should have them all. In case you want to do the same here is how far I got within a day. It needs more work and there are external dependencies. Sadly, I have to shell-out to cmark, because none of the modules on can handle Markdown reliably. That slows things down. Mostly, because hyper and Proc::Async don’t mix too well. The script needs a little more work and plenty of testing, before I can publish it in earnest. I hope the coming week will be sufficient.

Enshittification is a thing and we should prepare for that. There are alternatives to github and issue trackers. Eventually, the “free” services we use will have to pay their investors. With money actually costing money again, that might happen sooner then later. I doubt that shrinking workforces and zero interest-rates mix. There seems to be a Problem Solving-issue in order.

Categories: Uncategorized

Most trusting

May 21, 2023 4 comments

I was looking for a neat way to specify units when working with numbers. When doing dimensional analysis, many physicists like to put units into square brackets to create an additional namespace. We can do the same.

use v6.d;

class Unit { ... }

class SiInt is Int {
    trusts GLOBAL;
    trusts Unit;

    has Unit $!unit;
    method !unit { return-rw $!unit }

    method new(CORE::Int $new) { nextsame }
    method Str { self.Int::Str ~ $!unit.suffix }

    method ACCEPTS(Unit:U $u) { $!unit === $u }

class Unit {
    our $.suffix = '';
    our $.long-name = "unit-less";

    method ACCEPTS(SiInt $si) { $si!SiInt::unit === self }

class m is Unit { our $.suffix = 'm'; our $.long-name = 'Meter'; }

multi sub postcircumfix:<[ ]>(SiInt $obj, Unit:U $unit) {
    $obj!SiInt::unit === Unit ?? ($obj!SiInt::unit = $unit)
        !! fail(‘Sorry, units can only be set, not changed.’);

multi sub postcircumfix:<[ ]>(Int $value, Unit:U $unit) {$value)[$unit] }

constant Int = SiInt; # intentional shadowing of CORE::Int

my $i = 42[m];
put [$i, $i.^name]; # 42m SiInt
my Int() $a = 1;
put [$a, $a.^name]; # 1 SiInt

class s is Unit { our $.suffix = 's'; our $.long-name = 'Seconds'; }
multi sub infix:<+>(SiInt $l, SiInt $r) {
    $l!SiInt::unit === Unit ?? callsame()[$r!SiInt::unit]
    !! $r!SiInt::unit === Unit ?? callsame()[$l!SiInt::unit]
        !! $l!SiInt::unit === $r!SiInt::unit ?? nextsame()
           !! fail(„Unit mismatch between $l and $r“)

my $s = 60[s];

say $i + $a; # 43m
say $s + $i; # Unit mismatch between 60s and 42m

The idea is to have a numerical type that is by default unit-less. A unit can be added (but not changed) with square bracket postcircumfix. Since I add type-objects for each unit, I don’t have to mess around with strings and can multi-dispatch if needed. Since I want direct access to the unit, I tell the class to trust the package the operators are defined in. (This could be a module, of course.) What happens to be an ENODOC.

I have to use a forward declaration to get ACCEPTS to get hold of $!unit. Subsequently, multi-dispatch works just fine.

multi sub fancy(Int $value where m) { #`[fancy calculation goes here] }
multi sub fancy(Int) { fail ‘Can only be fancy with Unit "m".’ }

Since SiInt is just an Int all built-ins will work, so long the unit is restored after using them. Being able to trust operators allows them to access the entire class, without having to cheat with use nqp;.

Because Raku treats types as values, I can calculate a compound unit.

class Meters-per-Second is Unit { our $.suffix = 'm/s'; our $.long-name = 'Meters per Second'; }
multi sub infix:</>(m, s) { Meters-per-Second }

sub speed($d where m, $t where s) { ($d / $t).Int.[m/s] }

my Int $fast = speed(500[m], 1[s]);
say $fast; # 500m/s

I’m quite pleased with being able to extend the type-system so easily without having to invent a complete new DSL. This aids composability greatly.

Categories: Raku, Uncategorized

Plucking strings

May 17, 2023 1 comment

This is a correction and follow-up of my previous post. The ever helpful vrurg provided a simplification to my transformative role. I added some evil to it, mostly for nicer looking introspection.

role Trans[::From, ::To, &c] {
    has To $.value;
    method COERCE(From:D $old) {$old.&c))

    unless ::?ROLE.^declares_method(my $mname = To.^name) {
        ::?ROLE.^add_method: $mname, ('my method ' ~ $mname ~ '(--> To) { $.value }').EVAL;

By checking if the role contains a method already, I don’t need to fool around with the method table any more. I use .EVAL to compose the method name properly. Rakudo doesn’t care, but a human looking at the method name does not need to be confused. Please note the absence of use MONKEY;. The method form of EVAL doesn’t require it. It is safe to assume code not to be safe.

Task 2 can be written as a naive algorithm. Keep the stickers that contain characters that are also in the target word. Check if all letters in the target word are in the kept stickers. If so, show them or complain.

Again, I need a way to turn words into Sets. I shall do so by invoking the coercion-protocol with a new-method.

class Plucked {
    has $.str;
    has @.chars;

    method new(Str:D $s) { callwith  :str($s), :chars($s.comb) }
    method gist { $!str ~ ' ' ~ @!chars.pairs».&{ .key ~ ' ' ~ .value } }
    method Str { $.str }
    method Set { @.chars.Set }
    method AT-POS($pos) { @.chars.AT-POS($pos) }
    method AT-KEY($key) { @.chars.grep( * eq $key ) }

constant PC = Plucked(Str:D);

for [
    ('perl','raku','python'), 'peon';
    ('love','hate','angry'), 'goat';
    ('come','nation','delta'), 'accommodation';
    ('come','country','delta'), 'accommodation'
] -> [ @stickers, PC $word ] {
    my @keep;
    for @stickers -> PC $sticker {
        @keep.push($sticker) if $word ∩ $sticker;
    if ([∪] @keep) ⊇ $word {
        put „"$word" can be made with "$@keep"“;
    } else {
        my $missing = $word ∖ ([∪] @keep);
        put „"$word" can not be made, "$missing" is missing“;

The helper class Plucked knows how to dissect Strs and turn them into Sets and Strs. Since laziness is a virtue, I reduce the amount of typing by storing the coercion-type in a constant. Then I write the naive algorithm down.

I didn’t know that I can store coercion-types the same way as other type-objects in a constant. It just DWIMed and that pleases me greatly.

Categories: Raku, Uncategorized

Reducing sets

May 25, 2022 1 comment

This week´s PWC asks us for hexadecimal words and distinctly different directories.

sub term:<pwc-166-1> {
    sub less-substitutions-then ($_, $n) {
        .subst(/<-[olist]>/, :g, '').chars < $n

        .grep({.chars ≤ 8 && .&less-substitutions-then(4)})\
        .map(*.trans(<o l i s t> => <0 1 1 5 7>))\
        .grep(/^ <[0..9 a..f A..F]>+ $/)\

Once again, we write the algorithm down. Get the words, drop anything longer then 8 chars or what would need more then 4 substitutions. Then do the substitutions and grep anything that looks like a hexadecimal numeral. Sort for good measure and output the first 100 elements.

The second task provides us with a little challenge. We need to mock listing directories and working with them. Since dir returns a sequence of IO::Path I can create those by hand and mixin a role that mimics some filesystem operations. I can overload dir to provide a drop-in replacement.

sub term:<pwc-166-2> {
    sub basename(IO::Path $_) { .basename ~ (.d ?? '/' !! '') }
    sub pad(Str $_, $width, $padding = ' ') { .Str ~ $padding x ($width - .chars) }

    sub dir(Str $name) {
        sub mock-file(*@names) {{$_) but role :: { method f ( --> True ) {}; method e ( --> True ) {} } } ) }
        sub mock-dir(*@names) {{$_) but role :: { method d ( --> True ) {}; method e ( --> True) {} } }) }

        constant %dirs = dir_a => flat(mock-file(<Arial.ttf Comic_Sans.ttf Georgia.ttf Helvetica.ttf Impact.otf Verdana.ttf>), mock-dir(<Old_Fonts>)),
                         dir_b => mock-file(<Arial.ttf Comic_Sans.ttf Courier_New.ttf Helvetica.ttf Impact.otf Tahoma.ttf Verdana.ttf>),
                         dir_c => mock-file(<Arial.ttf Courier_New.ttf Helvetica.ttf Impact.otf Monaco.ttf Verdana.ttf>);


    sub dir-diff(+@dirs) {
        my @content = @dirs».&dir».&basename;
        my @relevant = (([∪] @content) ∖ [∩] @content).keys.sort;

        my @columns => @col {{ $_ ∈ @col ?? $_ !! '' }) });
        my $col-width = [max] @columns[*;*]».chars;

        put @dirs».&pad($col-width).join(' | ');
        put (''.&pad($col-width, '-') xx 3).join('-+-');
        .put for ([Z] @columns)».&pad($col-width)».join(' | ');

    dir-diff(<dir_a dir_b dir_c>);

I’m asked to add a / to directories and do so with a custom basename. The rest is liberal application of set theory. Only names that don’t show up in all directories are relevant. Columns are created by matching the content of each directory against the relevant names. The width of columns is the longest string. The header is put on screen. To output the columns line by line, x and y are flipped with [Z].

After careful study of the solutions written in other languages, I believe it is fair to call Raku an eco-friendly language. Our keyboards are going to last at least twice a long.

Categories: Raku, Uncategorized

Typed filters

June 24, 2021 1 comment

The Discord Raku bot is now also an IRC -> Discord bridge. To handle the streams of messages I use a react-block with a few whenevers. I would like to handle filtering of debug output from API::Discord in there as well, without disrupting something simple like printing to the terminal.

In my last post I showed how I can control the behaviour of a module with the use statement. The next step is to divert writes to $*ERR to a Supply.

my $active = False;

sub debug-print(|c) {
    $*ERR.print: |c if $active;

sub debug-print-supply(Supply $in? --> Supply:D) {
    my $result = $in //;

    &debug-print.wrap(-> |c {
        $result.emit: |c


multi sub EXPORT('FROM-MODULE') {
        '&debug-print' => &debug-print,

multi sub EXPORT() {
    $active = True;

        '&debug-print' => &debug-print-supply,

As long as the user of the module doesn’t call debug-print, we have the simple case of writing to $*ERR. When debug-print is called, we divert the stream into a Supply. If no Supply is supplied, we create one. To be able to filter output a role is created in API::Discord::Debug.

role LogEventType is export {}

This role is indeed empty and so are the roles that are created to provide filters.

unit module Testmodule;

use API::Discord::Debug <FROM-MODULE>;

role HEARTBEAT does LogEventType is export {}
role PING does HEARTBEAT does LogEventType is export {}

start loop {
    sleep ¼;
    debug-print("ping" but PING);
    debug-print("pong" but PONG) unless 10.rand < 2;

So we create a Str and mixin a role, what is a type object we can check against.

use API::Discord::Debug;
use Testmodule;

react {
    my  $pings = 0;

    whenever debug-say().merge(debug-print()) {
        when PING { $pings++; }
        when PONG { $pings--; }
        default { .note }

    whenever Supply.interval(5) {
        say „$pings heartbeats are lost“ if $pings > 1;

Mixing in an empty role wont upset any unsuspecting bystander and type checks compose well. Here I use them with when/default, a multi dispatch would work as well. Introspection can be done with .WHAT.say.

On CPAN we can find many “complete” modules that kill a specific problem once and for all. For many of those, there tends to be another module suffixed with ::Simple. Simple stuff should be simple because we can’t buy any more days in this life. We also don’t take anything with us. I hope I can leave something simple behind instead.

Categories: Raku, Uncategorized

Late early bound

June 5, 2021 1 comment

My last post got at least two people thinking. I made the suggestion to add a sub called pretty-print to make the resulting text/html human friendly. Since this is a nice name, making it a multi seams a polite move.

multi sub pretty-print(html::("NON-QUOTE") $html) { ... }

Since html is a singleton of an anonymous class, we can’t easily refer to the role NON-QUOTE within. We use a runtime lookup to get hold of the type at compile time. Said compile time is actually quite late. It happens at the same time constants are evaluated. Hence, html‘s guts can be queried, because that constant expression is further up in the file.

I did not know that type constraints are turned into type objects that late and found it difficult to explain. We may have to invent time travel to learn the time traveller language to be able to explain the order of operations of Rakudo.

Categories: Uncategorized

Awaiting a bugfix

July 24, 2020 1 comment

When using Proc::Async we need to await while waiting for a fix for R#3817. While adding many tests to Shell::Piping I got a flapper on Travis. After my last misadvanture while testing async code I learned to use stress -c 30 to make sure that OS threads are congested. And sure enough, I got the same tests to fail then on Travis. A workaround is to await after reading form Proc::Async.stdout. In my code that looks like the following.

for $.proc-out-stdout.lines {
    my $value := &.code.($_);
    my $processed = $value === Nil ?? ‚‘ !! $value ~ "\n";
    await $.proc-in.write: $processed.encode with $.proc-in;
  # ^^^^^ WORKAROUND for R#3817

I then had to add a piece of odd code at another place to have something to await on.

method write($blob) { my $p =; $p.keep; a.push: $blob.decode.chomp; $p }

The Promise is really just there so we can nudge Rakudo to have a good look at its threads. If you are using Proc::Async in your code please check for .write and test it on a system with more work then cores. You wont get an error with this bug. It will just silently drop values that are send via .write to another process or fetched via .stdout.lines. Good hunting!

Categories: Uncategorized

Conditional whenever

March 29, 2019 1 comment

I wrote a script to filter iostat because the latter either displays too much or too little. It also doesn’t know about bcache. I wanted to have the script react the same way to pressing q then top, atop or iotop. But it should only watch the keyboard and quit when $*OUT is a terminal. First we need to read the keyboard.

whenever key-pressed(:!echo) {
    when 'q' | 'Q' { done }

Now we got a few options to add a check for an attached terminal

if $*OUT.t {
    whenever key-pressed(:!echo) {
        when 'q' | 'Q' { done }
$*OUT.t && do whenever key-pressed(:!echo) {
    when 'q' | 'Q' { done }
do whenever key-pressed(:!echo) {
    when 'q' | 'Q' { done }
} if $*OUT.t

The last one kind of lines up with other whenever blocks but the condition gets harder to read. At first I thought it wont be possible to use ?? !! because whenever always wants to run .tap on the parameter. But then I remembered that we use 0x90 to tell a CPU to do nothing. If we get a Supply that does nothing we can opt out of doing something.

constant NOP =;
whenever $*OUT.t ?? key-pressed(:!echo) !! NOP {
    when 'q' | 'Q' { done }

Now it neatly lines up with other whenever blocks.

As a member of the Perl family Perl 6 has more then one way to do it. Most of them look a big odd though.

Categories: Uncategorized

Threading nqp through a channel

February 3, 2019 1 comment

Given that nqp is faster then plain Perl 6 and threads combining the two should give us some decent speed. Using a Supply as promised in the last post wouldn’t really help. The emit will block until the internal queue of the Supply is cleared. If we want to process files recursively the filesystem might stall just after the recursing thread is unblocked. If we are putting pressure on the filesystem in the consumer, we are better of with a Channel that is swiftly filled with file paths.

Let’s start with a simulated consumer that will stall every now end then and takes the Channel in $c.

my @files;
react {
whenever $c -> $path {
@files.push: $path;
sleep 1 if rand < 0.00001;

If we would pump out paths as quickly as possible we could fill quite a bit of RAM and put a lot of pressure on the CPU caches. After some trial and error I found that sleeping befor the .send on the Channel helps when there are more then 64 worker threads waiting to be put onto machine threads. That information is accessible via<gtq>.

my $c =;
start {
my @dirs = '/snapshots/home-2019-01-29';
  while @dirs.shift -> str $dir {
  my Mu $dirh := nqp::opendir(nqp::unbox_s($dir));
  while my str $name = nqp::nextfiledir($dirh) {
  next if $name eq '.' | '..';
  my str $abs-path = nqp::concat( nqp::concat($dir, '/'), $name);
  next if nqp::fileislink($abs-path);
  if<gtq> > 64 {
  say 'sleeping';
sleep 0.1;
$c.send($abs-path) if nqp::stat($abs-path, nqp::const::STAT_ISREG);
@dirs.push: $abs-path if nqp::stat($abs-path, nqp::const::STAT_ISDIR);
  CATCH { default { put BOLD .Str, ' ⟨', $dir, '⟩' } }
  nqp::closedir($dirh); }

Sleeping for 0.1s before sending the next value is a bit naive. It would be better to watch the number of waiting workers and only continue when it has dropped below 64. But that is a task for a differnt module. We don’t really have a middle ground in Perl 6 between Supply with it’s blocking nature and the value pumping Channel. So such a module might be actually quite useful.

But that will have to wait. I seam to have stepped on a bug in while working with large binary files. We got tons of tests on roast that deal with small data. Working with large data isn’t well tested and I wonder what monsters are lurking there.

Categories: Perl6, Uncategorized